

The following items are main values of SÜLEYMAN SEZER BASKI AMBALAJ SAN. VE TİC. LTD.ŞTİ. which define our activity, always lead us and we believe on them.


Fair – We are family which acts fairly and honestly in its work and relations.

Ethics – We have high ethic standards.  We cannot accept unethical and offensive approach in our activities.

Trust – We appreciate trust on above all and never give away it for any kind of benefit

Respect – We see differences as substantiality and refuse all kinds of discrimination.

Solidarity – We support each other in bad and good day.

Human-oriented – We believe that the success comes with human and only it makes sense. We always aim to develop and make happy the human.


Work relations


Resoluteness – We are diligent, decisive. We do our best to keep our promise.

Competence – We give work to competent people. We think that working with the right person is the key factor of success.

Courage – We rely ourselves. We can say “We are here” related issues in which we believe.

Discussion – We appreciate different thoughts and common sense. We create environment for expressing of thoughts freely.

Customer Satisfaction – We always try to better understand requests and expectations of clients, make them get satisfied on working with us

Responsibility – We are responsible for ourselves, company, the state, development of humanity values.


All members of SULEYMAN SEZER family commit aforementioned values.
